Health and Safety law requires employers to identify all foreseeable hazards, assess the associated risks and remove those risks or at least reduce them to an acceptable level. This is the standard risk assessment process so nothing really new here but what is often forgotten is that contractors can also bring foreseeable risks with them and should therefore be assessed to ensure they are H&S competent. It is your duty to appoint competent contractors. 

We do not believe that adequate levels of health and safety can ever be achieved without such assessments. This is a vital part of the mixture. 

How does the process work? 

  • The client prepares a specification of what they require from contractors. The exact same specification can be sent to several different contractors with a request to provide a quote and advise them that Stagesafe will also be sending a pre-procurement questionnaire for them to complete and return with all required enclosures to the Stagesafe office. These documents will include the company Health and Safety Policy, samples of Method Statements and Risk Assessments (RAMS), details of staff training and qualifications, experience, membership of trade associations or professional bodies and institutions, references, accident records, health and safety convictions, etc.  
  • The information provided is used to evaluate proposals objectively those that do not provide the information requested are rejected, and those who are approved can be appointed based on health and safety information provided and not by price alone. 
  • Notify successful proposers and those who were unsuccessful.
  • Confirm with a letter of appointment that they are appointed subject to final site-specific safety documentation being provided and an agreement to abide by health and safety law and the site or event rules.  
  • Remember, it is always the supplier's prerogative to state and set business terms and conditions, not the clients. 

This system is designed to help ensure safety and standards are maintained, it demonstrates that contractors have undertaken their risk assessment duties and helps protect you. We have been accused of being "awkward" or "difficult" for insisting upon this process, we insist upon this process to protect you and Stagesafe from accusations of negligence. We have no doubt that the contractors (and self-employed persons) you wish to use are competent but can that competence be proven? It is not a matter of opinion. Competence in health and safety is a subtle mixture of training, experience and qualifications, and other essential skills. Can your contractors actually prove they have and will use the correct level of competence at your event? This system helps ensure that your safety audits can be winners.  

This system is rather different from the traditional methods used in our industry, usually, the cheapest quote wins or the contract is awarded to a company that is known to the event organiser or promoter or a company that provides the cheapest quote (and ignores health and safety). This is a false economy that can cost heavily in the long term with time behind bars a real possibility for directors together with six-figure fines for negligence etc.   


Pre - Qualification questionnaires are included in our services for tours, festivals, events, and in the Safety Development Programme.